As a Glasser Quality School, all faculty, staff, and administrators are trained in this educational approach where children discover who they are through self-reflection and an understanding of human behavior and motivation.


On May 1, 2009, Saint Patrick Catholic School was recognized by the William Glasser Institute as a Glasser Quality School.

Dr. William Glasser’s contribution to education focuses on human motivation and behavior and the belief that the promotion of healthy relationships is integral to high quality education.

Saint Patrick's faculty and staff are trained in Choice Theory, Dr. Glasser's theory of human behavior, and teachers take it into the classroom. Students are encouraged to examine what motivates their own behavior and gain a greater capacity to empathize with themselves and others. 

Teachers also utilize Success Planning to empower children to take ownership of their own problem-solving in all aspects of their lives. Under the guidance of trained teachers, students incrementally increase levels of self-responsibility. Students take ownership of their own challenges and problems, think critically and self reflect, and persevere through setbacks to reach their goals.


  • Relationships are based upon trust and respect, and all discipline problems, not incidents, have been eliminated.
  • Total Learning Competency is stressed and an evaluation that is below competence or what is now a "B" has been eliminated. All schooling as defined by Dr. William Glasser has been replaced by useful education.
  • All students do some Quality Work each year that is significantly beyond competence. All such work receives an "A" grade or higher, such as an "A+".
  • Students and staff are taught to use Choice Theory in their lives and in their work in school. Parents are encouraged to participate in study groups to become familiar with the ideas of Dr. William Glasser.
  • Students perform better on state proficiency tests and college entrance examinations. The importance of these tests is emphasized in the school.
  • Staff, students, parents and administrators view the school as a joyful place.