STPCS Theatre Troupe Cabaret & Silent Auction

Auditorium - Theater - 1
March 25
7:00 PM
The Saint Patrick Theatre Troupe is hosting a fun night of entertainment to raise funds for their upcoming Beauty and the Beast production.
The Cabaret will include performances by current and former students, teachers, and staff. Cost is $10/ticket.
The Silent Auction will include:
  • Gift cards for movies, iTunes, retail stores, restaurants, and ice cream shops.
  • Gift certificates for local theater, concerts, and sporting events.
  • Personal services such as manicures, massages, and chiropractic care.
  • Professional services, including decorating and home improvement.
  • Music lessons, including voice, piano, and other instruments.
If you or your business would like to contribute a gift or service to the auction to benefit Saint Patrick's production of Beauty and the Beast, please email Rocco Wilson at

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