Together Again!

It’s great to be together again!

Life of Relationship has always been at the core of who we are as Wolfhounds. We strive to ensure that every child at Saint Patrick Catholic School feels welcome, safe, and celebrated from the moment they arrive in the car line in the morning to the moment they leave campus and head home in the afternoon. We believe that no one falls outside the mantle of God’s love and want all students, parents, grandparents, alumni, and friends of the school to experience the joy of being a part of this special community.

Monday, August 26 marked the start of family-style dining and offered many of our newest Wolfhound students, faculty, and staff a whole new experience. Teachers and support staff serve as table hosts as young students begin fostering relationships with their older counterparts and learning invaluable social skills and healthy eating choices. This highly intentional program facilitates conversations across grade levels and shows every student that they are now part of a family of 400+!

On Wednesday, we held our first school-wide Chapel service of the year and Head of School Lauren Mazzari led us in the celebration by encouraging our students to be mindful of the kind of people Jesus wants us to be - servant leaders of character and courage! The mission of Saint Patrick Catholic School is rooted in faith, so having the opportunity to worship together is essential to who we are as a Wolfhound community. Taking the time, each week, to hear the Gospel and to break its message open through reflection and prayer helps grow both our personal relationship with God, and our connections to those we worship with as well. 

In addition, Middle School students met with their Advisory groups for the first time. This is a weekly opportunity for students in Sixth-Eighth Grade to build a special bond with a small cohort of their peers. Students discuss potential challenges, find solutions, and participate in engaging activities based on the invitations for growth presented in the Graduate at Graduation. Not only do students develop new friendships, but they also establish unique relationships with their Advisor who will eventually serve as their mentor throughout their Eighth Grade year and panel presentation. 

It's been wonderful to have everyone back on campus this week and we look forward to continuing to build meaningful, long-lasting relationships throughout the year. The Life of Relationship is essential to educating and nurturing the whole child – mind, body, and spirit - to be a Christ-centered, compassionate, and courageous servant leader. It’s going to be a great year!